3/31/24: i spent all my money

hello all. today I am here to share with you my new obsession, the purchase that has taken all of my money. my brand new....

3ds XL in pink! from japan! i bought it for 90$ in brand new condition. no box, yet not a single scratch to be seen. it hurt me to part with 90$, but considering how often i use it, and the high price for an american 3ds, i think it's a pretty good deal! i love this thing so much.

having this thing is like i'm fufilling my childhood dreams. growing up, i had a pink ds lit. i would play my two favorite games, mario kart and super princess peach. however, i had to share my console with my younger brother, who was 3-5 at the time. because of this, my ds lite is pretty beat up now. by the time that i got interested in video games again my family bought a switch, so i ended up overlooking the 3ds.

i was scrolling through youtube when i found a video about modding 3ds'. i knew there were games i'd always wanted to play, so after finding out how easy of a console it was to mod, and that it was backwards compatible with games i already owned, i was sold. after doing through research on the 3ds, i decided to buy a japanese xl in order to save money. i didn't mind settling for a different language console because i could install games in english. translators + my japanese knowledge would make it easy enough to navigate.

the day it came in the mail i was overjoyed! so overjoyed that i accidentlally made a huge scratch on the cover! it's fine now since i covered it with stickers but i was devastated. i was going to mod it during summer vacation because i worried it would hinder my productivity. but two days later i ended up modding since i was too excited. the modding process went surprisingly smoothly, and i was set to install all the games i could ever want in less than an hour.

my beautiful mikudayo theme..

if you're curious on how i did it, i followed 3ds hacks guide. i reccommend you follow this rather than a video, since the steps may vary on region/system version. it may look intimidating at first, but just slow down, don't skim over any steps, and it's honestly really easy.

gothic n sweet lolita im obsessed!!

so far, i think my top game has to be style savvy. my childhood love for fashion flash games has been enhanced and combined with my now love for j-fashion so of course i play this game all day! living out my lolita shopaholic dreams fr!!

style savvy: fashion foward outfitsss

i've also been playing a lot of project mirai but i'm still pretty bad at it. it's a super cute game tho, and i love the nendoroid models!! lots of older vocaloid songs too... my fav

so yeah. a little glimpse into what i've been up to these past few weeks. thank you for sm for reading, i hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!

tomodachi life me and miku..