8/4/24: i love BEING OUTSIDE!!!

today was a very fun day! i went out with my friend who i've known since kindergarten. we kind of drifted apart since we no longer go to school together. but recently we've really been catching up with each other! the two of us went shopping together at the local mall. our first stop was at a secondhand book/anime goods store. i didn't buy anything though because their prices have gotten unreasonably high. they'll sell a cheap pin from an anime cafe for 10+ dollars.. totally a scam!! but at least this way i'm saving money lol. i almost caved for a my little pony manga i saw. but no i stay strong!!!

since we met up around early noon, we stopped for lunch at a japanese restaurant. both of us ordered a mini katsu-egg bowl. it was pretty good, but definitely not mini-sized at all!! for dessert, we split a crepe. it was absolutely filled with strawberries, bananas, and cream. all topped off with chocolate syrup, powdered sugar and ice cream... it was really yummy. after that we explored around a bit more. there happened to be crane games in most of the stores we went to. to which we both fell victim. together we spent around 20 dollars on tokens but we emerged victorious so its ok!!! she won a cute blue kitty keychain, and i won two sakura mochi animal plushies from the same machine. one of the plushies was a panda and the other one was a cat. i gave my friend the cat one so we could match! i wanted to get a picture of our newly won stuffies together but i forgot... so here's my mochi panda with miku instead:

on the ride home, i showed her my 3ds since she had been thinking of buying one. she played a few rounds of cooking mama sweets shop. i guess she really liked it because about an hour after we parted ways, she texted me that she bought one!